Today,...found my old stuffs in the cardboard which my mum still kept it every well OMGGGGGGG.....they still good in condition.
A photos album and heaps of letters from my PENPALS around the world. (Finland, Germany, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, China, and USA). Some of them from other suburb.
yeap,...I used to love writing letters to my penpals when I was in high school.
We use to exchanges photos, letters, postcards, even notes and coins. ahhahaahh every year we will sent the birthday presents.
I had finish read all the letters, and really missed old days.
Unfortunely, we lost contact once I spent my studies at Kuching for almost 3 years. Everyone is growing and have they own life. hmmm so sad. I dont think nowsaday ppl still like to writing letter compare emails or chating.
Yesterday I have been looking at the old photos album, it sure bring me a lot sweet memories and a lot joyful moment. I was alone review all the photos and suddenly became whole family joined me. LOL my mum kept telling our embarrass moment with my brother when we were so little fighting over the toys and etc. Ahahhaah omg,..cant believe we both so naught when we were kids.
There a few pictures I saw, I still jealous on my brother bcoz he look more cuter then me when we are baby. DAMNNIT!!! :P even till now he more good looking person LOL...
Me & my daddy (less then 1 year old)
OMG,..doesnt look like a baby girl.
ahahahah I sure like to SMILE ( 1 year old)
WAHAHHAHH Coconut head!!!!!(>_<') (2 years old)
my mum cut my hair OMGGGGGGGGGG why,.......why.....why me? why not my brother? LOL. My mum told me, I was mad at the time, doenst want to take photos. whahahahha so this is the outcome.
Me & my brother ( me 3 years old , brother 1 year old)
DAMMIT he look more cuter :P hmmmmmmmmmmm,..I wish in the future our baby can cute as him. LOL sure can became baby model for ads.
2001, can you found where am i and raymond heheheehehhe??
okok this one is a bit easy to spot where we are. ahhahahah next will more challenging!
2002 ,....ahahahh now can u see where is raymond and me????
Today is 2nd day at hometown. Like usual, my mum still treated me like a baby or princess. OMG.....she like to do everything by herself and dont even need a hand especially from me. I need to say stop treating me like a kids. Both my parents even prepared a break fast for me while I still slept like a pig in bed.
Well, about last nite, it was heavy raining and we didnt went out for dinner after finished visited all the relatives. Everyone said the samething which they all cant recongized me neither do I ahhahah. Because too many kids and grandchilds. OMG I was freak out. So, I kept asking my mum who is this who is that.
Besides that I also bring Krispy Kreme to them. Of course, those KK are from Australia flew all the way back to Malaysia. I bought 4 dozens and I only took 2 dozens and another 2 dozens are for Ray`s parents. My parents were amazed with the donuts and they did try the "Original". Our signature donuts. My parents both are said TOO SWEET! cant ate they whole thing. LOL So, at the end we give those donuts to my relatives since they got many people
it looks terrible because the weather here too hot and all the glazed melt, (>_<'). It was kind of funny when I try to explained to my grandma what is KK donut, I just told her "This is the most popular Australia donuts, like a bread. bla bla bla bla"
In the afternoon, I mum was early to prepared for lunch and basically today they wanna to feed me like a Pig! WAlau...I better be caution on my weight. LOL
Black Chicken. (very expensive if you buy at Australia)
My mum told me , my "Ah Ba" (my father`s eldest brother) given me a Black Chicken! early in the morning and even ask my mum to cooked it for me. Ohh, touching. They sure got the "heart" and care about me.
Fish stomach soup.
okok maybe some of you might think it a bit disgusting even read the name of it. But it is high nutrition in collagen good for skin or health. Besides, it is damn expensive which I just found out yesterday.
1 kg cost RM1500/AUS$535+ for deep fried.
1 kg cost RM 2000/AUS$715+ for non-fried.
If high quality can cost even more RM3000/AUS$1002+ holy moly.....(@_@') Well,..dont freak out, my mum bought the cheap / low quality one.
Chicken with Abalone Mushroom.
Surprisely the mushroom sure taste like abalone. heheh No wander they called it "Abalone Mushroom.
Uncook Prawn Chip
This is very special prawn chips, because it was hand-made by my "Ko Ko" (my father`s sister from Mukah). In the early morning, my mum was bring out all these prawn chip for drying process. Today sure is hot as usual like hell. Another few days I will deep frying it and bring some to Sibu just for Raymond. Because it is one of he`s favourite snack.
Fresh Cocount
At Australia I never see anyone sell a fresh cocount like Asian country, because all of them have been packed and frozen which added sugar. Finally, I can taste the cocount meat and drink the juice. So refreshing especially in hot weather. \(^_0_^)/
Hi everyone!!! finally safely arrived at hometown. WAlau....soooooooooo HOT!! here. It was exhausted and wasnt a pleasure trip. We both a have mild fever at the end. Sigh,...long story. That why you wont see any picture here bcoz I dont even take a single pictures which sooo unlike me ahhahah.
Once, we arrived at Sibu at airport, 1st thing I do is checking where are our parents LOL and I saw my mum & Ray mum at 1st. I just huge them and everyone with BIG SMILE. ehehhehe well, you know what happend next ehehhehe.
Ray parents give us a lift back to Sarikei after we finish lunch together at one of sibu`s restaurant. OMG,...finally can taste of the local foods!!!!! (some local vegetables - err I dont know the vegetable name in english. Some kind of wild plant which can be found at rural areas) Next time I will show you guys the pictures.
Once we arrived at home, we invited them to our house and have a long chat. Then, you guys cant believe what had happened this afternoon. Since today is Moon Festival, my mum was rushing to go to market to bought some vegetables for dinner, so I accompany them without resting at home after 10hours flight (8hrs = Mel-KL, 2hrs = KL-Sibu).
On the way shopping I accidently met a lot of relatives on the market! OMGGGGGGGGG.......ahhahah uncles, aunts, cousins there and here. ahhaha that`s the problem when live in small town like Sarikei. ahahhahah
Everyone seem surprised to see me. hahhahah I felt kind of embarrassed/red face (pai sei). I dont really know how to talk to them.
okok i need get ready and visit my grandma & all relatives tonight.
phew,..dont know somehow I felt nervous and scare they will shoot me with many "questions".
Tomorrow I will be fly back to Malaysia. At the moment, I felt toooo excited!! aaarrrr.... cant sleep, eat, drink well, even hard to focus on doing something. whahaahahh okokok I`m need to calm down myself.
I guess thats the problem when got nothing to do besides, sit and wait for tomorrow. OHHH man, just think about tomorrow feel tired and such as long day.
Because we need to catch the shuttle bus at 5.30pm sharp (last bus) to airport. OHHHHHH man it was damn early!!!!! our Flight is 12.15am MIDNIGHT!!!!! by the time, we properly will arrive at Melbourne international airport 6.30pm.
OMG....we need to wait from 6.30pm till midnight for our flight. I`m gonna gone CRAZY!!!!
I think some of you will curious which showbag I bought it for myself. it is. You guys actually can go to the website to check all the showbags with also got images.
WARNING!!! longest post and heaps of PHOTOS & video. WARNING!!! longest post and heaps of PHOTOS & video. WARNING!!! longest post and heaps of PHOTOS & video. WARNING!!! longest post and heaps of PHOTOS & video. WARNING!!! longest post and heaps of PHOTOS & video.
Today Ray & I went to Royal Melbourne Show for the very 1st time. Well,...quite disappointed not as good as Royal Sydney Easter Show which is the same thing but twice smaller. Maybe because I been to the show twice which the previous one is location at Sydney on April (which I blog it before). However we do enjoy and having fun with the show.
I will briefly go through with the photo and for further information you can check online at
After that we went to see the Cats competition and Dogs competition.
omgggggg so cute which normally I HATE CAT~
Dogs & owners in the middle of competition
more dogs~
Ohhhhh so cute MY FAVOURITE !!!! they look like cottom. AWW~
you guys actually can touch them, I nearly wanna huge the dog!!! more dogs~awww....
okokok enough with the dogs
getting more crowded.
Cake decoration competition. hey dude,..those are real CAKES!!!
it remind me, my friend use to love about making cakes, if she saw it sure will keep shooting the picture of the cakes. LOL
those grandma making the flowers using sugar GEH!!!
Cake competition in terms of textual, smell, color, and of course the taste.
Cookies & cupcakes competition.
wai sei!!!!! jam competition ~~~AMAZING!!!~~~
okok..time to fill up out stomach
At the end we didnt buy any food since mostly are deep fried ewww :P SICK OF CHIPS!! besides I did packed some sandwichs this early morning.
hahha finally found KK
OMGGG those bees wont bite him/owner LOL....amazing
dont dare touch the bees, you still can catch the FISH!!!
Classic sheep trials featuring working dogs
I tell you guys, this is sooooooo amazing. The dog is such as SMART ASS!!!
can you see the "white dog"?? this is very special dog! she represent AUSTRALIA and next month she will go to New Zealand for competition!!
And the most amazing thing is the owner bought the dog with AUS$20,000 that means RM56,000. HOLY MOLY....the owner also explained although it cost him fortune, after 4 years competition she won a lot of competitions and even earned back what he have paid for.
Okay,....after filled up the stomach and enjoy the show. Is showbags TIME!!! yaaaa...
quite dissappointed because the hall quite small and dont have much choice like Sydney one. Even Ray also argeed. Like 30mins you can see the whole thing, unless you wanna buy some. hehehhe.
heheheheh my favourite area...
So, time!!! RAY & I spent more then 1 hours in there because we need to help my friends bought some showbags.
Ta..~TAAA..~ this is the comeout.
Full with showbags (I wish (T_T) ) which doesnt belong to me except one. The rest is belong to my friends. ahhahahh I`m good girl wont simply just spent the money like "running water".
After finish bought what we need, we went to "Fibre to Fashion Pavilion". The Fashion show was sponsor by The Coffee Club. I actually took the video and hopefully your guys enjoy the show as we do. heheheh....
Then we went to "The weekly Times Livestock Pavilion". Well, it always the same, we saw some Cattle, sheep, Goats, & Alpacas. However, something has catch my attention, I saw this Alpaca.
Owner: okay, good follow me Alpaca: where you wanna bring me to?? Owner: you`ll see...(~~evil laugh ehhehe~~)
Alpaca: EEEEE...I dont want to, unless you tell me !!!! Owner: okay,..dont force me!! or else I will.... Alpaca: you,,..will WHAT!?
enough with the jokes. ehhehe The following some random photos I took.
Ray & I didnt play any games or rides.
Finally, before we go back to car park, we went to "NAB Animal Nursery Discovery Farm".
We managed to saw a real birthing moment. The sheep is in the middle of labour and just 3 baby sheep come through. I hardly to able took extra photos because the show actually begin 20mins ago and we actually need to stand and squeezed with other people, otherwise I sure will tape the video.
okay before we leave the place, final camwhore of myself ehhehehehe