So, in order to get free consultation from the expert and free products, all you need to do is queue. ehheehh
It got 3 difference section; which you only allow to choose one.
The expert check you skin condition and will tell you which product is best for you and you also get to try on sample and they explained how it work.
You will get your hair set by stylist, basically you can just request them what kind of hair style you want and they will do it and of coz use they products.
This is section is most popular bcoz you get body massages about 15mins!!! by hot chicks. hohohoh no wonder so many guys ;P
So,..I decided choose Hairstyle ehhehhe
Just simple & tie up.
So, I got 3 items GARNIER product.
You can click on the link to see bigger picture.
Pure Skin Purifying Peel Kit
Ambre Solaire SOS Sunburn Balm
Fructis Style Hard Glue
This is they offcial website:
oi oi.. u should show ur face leh.. not the back nyia.. where is the front le?
sammy: no one wanna see my front face lahh. since it about hair not about my face ehehehehh.
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