awwww......what a puppy eyes. I wanna hug the dog so much!
OMGGGGGGGG, I wanna bring you home with me. awwww
Awww, friendly and not affair of stranger. She/He keep smelling me and let me hug & pat. Awwwwwwwwww I can die liew~~
At the end, she/he did licked my face ahhahaah XD Seriously, the dog was damn big and strong. I wanna pet a dog like that which can protect me (^_^). How nice, bring you to jogging~~
Ray also loved it. Btw, that dog is difference from mine. There was a dog competition.
Next we went farm animals. you will get chance to pat & hug the animals. how cool is that!
Awww,...mary a little lamb~~~~~
It was a fun place for kids and of course family. Can you see how happy the kids!
This kid is so adorable and arent affair with it.
You can freely just grab the animals and play with it but need to be gentle otherside they will freakout LoL. There once I saw a kids chasing the pig WAHAHAHH and wanna try to hug the pig and the pig ran like crazy and make funny noise.
Too bad I didnt get the chance to shoot the picture. damnit, next time got to record the video. It was sooooo funny.
She hug the chicken so lovely and at the end
she even
kissed the chicken.
btw, all animals are so clean and doesnt feel bad at all! haahhahha
Next was the rides. I was nearly get a lost with Ray. Mannnnnnnn, he walked damn fast and totally forgot about me.
Here I only share a feel nice shots. There rest is kind of suck didnt upload. sorry~~
I spot a cute couple~~~ awww
I used to love this rides. weeee~~~ and feel like thrown in the air~~~
ahaa, was damn look ugly -_-"& hungry since morning only ate 2 roll of sushi and it was late afternoon 4pm.
Next....part 3
Awww...nice nice! At least there is some fun after the long day work, isn't it. Hehe.
Alice: u gotto come to Melbourne on September. We can go there again and buy a lot showbags till u siao ahhhahha
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