On the second day trip, we went to many places
1. Puffing Billy Train
2. Chapmans Points
3. Enchanted Garden at Morninton Peninsula
4. Healesvilles Sanctuary
Puffing Billy
Yaaa.....I was happy about Puffing Billy train and is my second time went there. This time, I finally bought magnet at souvenir shop for my collection. heheehh I`m gonna stick all magnet on fridge and see how far we have been traveling across Victoria. ;D
LOL,...this is the best part how you enjoy the view!!!
well,...my parents wasn't enjoy coz, they were worry about me and scared I`m gonna accidentally, off from train. -___-' all they doing is watching of me instead enjoy the view.
Sighhhhhhh,......I try to convinced them be cool man or chill up!,...is holidays, don't think unnecessary thing, cant you guys just enjoy the trip.
okay,...our camera man on role.
btw, Ray wasnt with us. He drove the car at waited us at Menzie Creek. So, save more troubles rather then buy return tickets.
Anyway. at least my brother and ray sis are enjoy coz..............
hahahaahh I`m managed convinced Ray `sis do the same thing!!!. ahhaahahahh
now, two gals gone naughty as kids.
Once we arrived, I told ray what happened and Ray couldn't believe his sister would do such as thing. WAHHHAHAH,..... well, we are not longer like young kids.
But, it was fun!
However, this time the trip to Puffing Billy trip wasn't as good as first time coz, it was spring, I was expecting the view more beautiful compare on autumn. It was bunch of green trees, about in afternoon and seem nothing special compare to autumn which more colorful trees and in the morning we will see those lovely sunlight - ray reach into the forest look cold and feel very fairy.
You can see the difference if you review my old entries on May.
Okay, next will be
Chapmans Point
it was breath taking view when we on the way to Morninton Peninsula. We stopped on road side, and took some picture here which my parents really excited about. Coz they never saw such as gorgeous view.
It was kind of cold although is spring. Thanks god wear another layer on top.
Obviously, you guys will know what this place call... :D
ahem ahem,...with my man. (^_^')
okay enough with views. Next will be more exciting............
The Enchanted Maze Garden
at Morninton Peninsula
The main entry Maze Garden.
is Christmas time!
I felt at Fairy places.....
Aww,...who wont love lavender??????
heheheh cam whore with it. goshhh..stupid chubby face on me! should just photoshop it damnit. T_T
wanna play puzzle?
okok enough with innocent look in photograph
let action silly.........! arrrr shalion mightly eagle.....errr errr...whatsoeverlahhh
just dont messy with me.
btw, stupid sunlight-ray (ray = not refer to my darling okay?) on my face
i know i know, my parents are speechless and I try to convinced my brother took silly photo.
damn again just ignored the sunlight-ray.
some famous faces
Unfortunately, I also don't know what his name.
Okay, I`m suck on general knowledges (T_T)
okay...I definitely know this one!!! is Mona Lisa!
do we look alike??? heheheheh
Enchanted maze....
My favorite photo!!!! fairy!!!
okay next destination will be boring is
Healesvilles Sanctuary
I getting sick of koala. Wont write much about it since I been there before which we guys can just review my previous post on June.
By end of this year, I believe this 2008 I saw a lot koala bears and even in my dream also got koala bears. It took me a whole to get rid of it. hahahh
But, my parents quite enjoy it.
okay, seem he/she get really "TULAN" on us.....ahhahah
Unfortunately, my parents didn't get the chance to pat baby Wallabi like us last time trip. It seem bad timing, at the beginning I saw a group pating DINGO! I urgent them is dingo ! let`s go !but I cant expect them rush to the destination, so, at the end we all missed the chance.
Anyway, just treat this as exercise and relax mind trip. Seriously, they really need walk more and exercise more to become fit!
I was bored at the time and seem nothing interesting to snap.
okay,...next post coming soon.
I also update the http://www.fotoluver.blogspot.com/
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