Not to mentioned, I have to organized a surprised birthday party on 11.12.09 for Raymond and next day is work related Christmas party. Omg,...I was so exhausted! and I still have to work and rush home started prepared the foods and for the last few weeks I don't really have single proper day off and only a few hours slept.
Even after Christmas party I still have to work next day. >.<' I`m sooooooo dead at that time. This year we have a simple Christmas party at one our colleague house and everybody will need to bring some foods to share.
Foods to share.
However, not everyone is coming to the party because some out of state and some on holidays with family.
We have a vodka fountain! One full bottle + a bit orange juices. hohohohhoo~~~~
Also, got chocolate fountain. Contain 2 kg of chocolates and some vegetable oil~~
Ready to dip!!! or play with it hahhahahh!
Is was the BOOM!! Krispy Kreme Doughnuts with dipping chocolate!!!!
okay, a bit healthier.
I cooked some soy sauce chicken wings, sushi-inari, sausages, cucumber and prawn balls skewers and bought some salads that because some our colleagues is vegetarian.
My friend baked cupcakes with our name of it!! awww.... how`s sweet!!!!
Well, believe it or not in our company we got T.W.O Laura (one is angmoh and is asian =me) ehehehehh
We bring all our favorite music CDs to share and enjoy~~
The Christmas party even more beautiful because they have been spend whole day to decoration the house.
How romantic~~~
So, beautiful.... while chill up with friends, nice foods and nice music~~
Hi,..everyone meet Laura, and Maddy~~
I didnt manage take all photos with everybody, probably I was too tired, not drunk okay! and my brain cant function.
Next kris kringle!!!! present time!!!
I`m not in photo because otherwise who the taking all this pictures and some people didnt get kris kringle because N/A come to party.
After that is time to get DRUNK!!! and will get to see everyone true self moments ahhahahhah!!!
This is Bella~~ she very friendly and attach to anyone.
Err,.....someone wanna play rough ehehhheh~~
well,.. some one get "AMEN" after a few tequila shots in row :S
Bella very naughty now~~ sit on head on purpose ahahahahh!
Blue Bella~
Next is my received CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!
very excited! to open it
very cool sleep lamp~~ thanks to Lyly
Obviously, this one from my BOSS!!! Thanks!! BOSS!!! very cute!
This is my kris kringle~~ Thanks Maddy!! A PINK photo album, and I love taking photos and put all my collection.
Got this on Christmas eve from WING
well,.. ya I was working on Christmas eve it was big SUCK time because I work 12 hours that day T_T
Thanks wing~ for gorgeous necklace!
Another colleague baked gingerbread!!! awww~~ how `s cute! thanks for Krystle!! That is look so pro and seem like buy from market!!!
Also, received from colleagues, it was surprise they come to work place to give me this! Thanks!!! girls (Laura & Cassie) and you guys know me very well heheheh I love teas and of course chocolates!
okay,..I guess it wasn't that SUCK work on Christmas Eve.
My colleague baked brownie!!! and little Christmas present! it was beautiful~~yummy~~~
just received today!!! from our lovely neighbor~~
ohh a cute couple mug
okay,...this year I didn't get Christmas present from Ray or from me because we agreed not to spend more money on it.
After Christmas Eve, I`m officially Sick ! -__-' on Christmas day I spent whole day in bed sleeping and must recover as soon as possible because next day I still need back to work and I get to finish work till 2am >.<' and I still have to back to work on Sunday till today I finally got day off and update this entry. It was sad and I didn't get chance to shopping on Boxing day! Ya,...u heard me!! "Laura didnt go shopping on BOXING DAY!" that is sooooooo NOT ME! >.<'
I guess now you can see how exhausted and pressured from work.
Now, I cant wait to get over new year and next month I thinking to take some short break.