Starlight is a non-profit organization which doesn't receive government funding and absolutely supported by individuals or certain corporation and their program is to help the serious injury or illness kids at hospital. Don't forgot to check they website. It was really amazing what they have been doing for the community. How touching... ( I wish my country will do the same thing)
When every customers bought Star pack, KK will donate 25% of the sale to Starlight Children's Foundation. How cool is that? \(^_o_^)/ At the same time u can enjoy the sweet and tasty pineapple flavor sprinkle Star donut while do some charity. Anyone care to join me????
At the moment is still available at KK. So,....better hurry! IS limited! you can neither buy single Star donut at AUS$2.75 or Star pack is AUS$20.00. Star pack included 6 original glazed + 6 Star Pineapple Iced sprinkles.
Besides, the Star donut KK have been try to created various of doughnuts which I think is pretty amazing. It remind my sweet Valentine's Day (this year) that I received a "Heart/LOVE shape doughnuts. AWWW how sweeeeeeeet. I believe some of u have saw it on my friendster blog ehheheheh
sooooooooo sayang to eat it. It was really lucky, Although, VICTORIA state got KK but the "Love Shape doughnut" only available at NSW. I`m really luck when think it back.
Hmmm,....last time is love shape, this time is star shape, how about next time?? what kind of donut shape will looked like???
twinkle twinkle little "Star"......
i want to eat those "Star" Donut mah...
Look like so delicious one hor...
buy one for me mah... pls... =p
ah boon: sure,....AUS$2.75 + postage AUS$5.00 please??? LOL (^_^')
hei hei,
i wan to but dun post to me ya..scare someone will eat it..hahaha!
Bring it back when u come back..haha...if it can tahan lama
"SAYANG NYIA!!!" hate it...
our country do not have that kind of donut! Really WHY! WHY! WHY!
Sammy: wahha for sure keep curi makan liew by postman. I think we allow to bring it back since it sell at Sydney Airport. KrispyKreme is pretty new organization. At the moment only available in a few country. Check they website.
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