Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Feed Me with more foods

Today is 2nd day at hometown. Like usual, my mum still treated me like a baby or princess. OMG.....she like to do everything by herself and dont even need a hand especially from me. I need to say stop treating me like a kids. Both my parents even prepared a break fast for me while I still slept like a pig in bed.
Well, about last nite, it was heavy raining and we didnt went out for dinner after finished visited all the relatives. Everyone said the samething which they all cant recongized me neither do I ahhahah. Because too many kids and grandchilds. OMG I was freak out. So, I kept asking my mum who is this who is that.
Besides that I also bring Krispy Kreme to them. Of course, those KK are from Australia flew all the way back to Malaysia. I bought 4 dozens and I only took 2 dozens and another 2 dozens are for Ray`s parents. My parents were amazed with the donuts and they did try the "Original". Our signature donuts. My parents both are said TOO SWEET! cant ate they whole thing. LOL So, at the end we give those donuts to my relatives since they got many people
it looks terrible because the weather here too hot and all the glazed melt, (>_<'). It was kind of funny when I try to explained to my grandma what is KK donut, I just told her "This is the most popular Australia donuts, like a bread. bla bla bla bla"

okay, this morning my dad went to out to takeaway " Ting Bian Hu " for me. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I havent eat that for ages. If you curious what it is? you can just view this website
In the afternoon, I mum was early to prepared for lunch and basically today they wanna to feed me like a Pig! WAlau...I better be caution on my weight. LOL

Black Chicken. (very expensive if you buy at Australia)
My mum told me , my "Ah Ba" (my father`s eldest brother) given me a Black Chicken! early in the morning and even ask my mum to cooked it for me. Ohh, touching. They sure got the "heart" and care about me.

Fish stomach soup.

okok maybe some of you might think it a bit disgusting even read the name of it. But it is high nutrition in collagen good for skin or health. Besides, it is damn expensive which I just found out yesterday.
1 kg cost RM1500/AUS$535+ for deep fried.
1 kg cost RM 2000/AUS$715+ for non-fried.
If high quality can cost even more RM3000/AUS$1002+ holy moly.....(@_@') Well,..dont freak out, my mum bought the cheap / low quality one.

Chicken with Abalone Mushroom.

Surprisely the mushroom sure taste like abalone. heheh No wander they called it "Abalone Mushroom.

Uncook Prawn Chip

This is very special prawn chips, because it was hand-made by my "Ko Ko" (my father`s sister from Mukah). In the early morning, my mum was bring out all these prawn chip for drying process. Today sure is hot as usual like hell. Another few days I will deep frying it and bring some to Sibu just for Raymond. Because it is one of he`s favourite snack.
Fresh Cocount
At Australia I never see anyone sell a fresh cocount like Asian country, because all of them have been packed and frozen which added sugar. Finally, I can taste the cocount meat and drink the juice. So refreshing especially in hot weather. \(^_0_^)/

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