Monday, March 17, 2008

Another Sunday

So, it have been a while and I thought..I haven't blogged in freakin ages. Well,....about 1 week and seem I`m getting less active on blogging. So whats been happening? I don't know, exactly. I've been working a lot especially mid week till weekend instead like anyone else (Monday- Friday) and irregularly hours. :S

Which is fine with me because I love flexible! and nice money though. V(^_^)V

I felt a little bit better and less moody properly I got things to keep myself busy and working like "nuts" but it can be really exhausted which I need extra careful with my health and started investing myself.

The only thing I worried is I`m be so crazy and concerned over my weight and shape of my body. I dont know what wrong with ME? Since when like I care how I look (@_@)'?????????????????????????????????, Okok..properly I have been watching Malaysian Dreamgirl Online TV shows at the moment and I`m so envy of them and not more or less people surrounding me.

Plus,....Screw the marketing ads >_<' from the magazines. I just have been so crazy on fashion recently and all are cost $$$. I`m trying to be a good and "Locked" myself!. Praying please turn myself into workaholic rather then spender. The more I work then better I felt and the days can be easily passed just like that ~*snap*~ and you know what??? it felt gooood.... XD. I can felt the satisfaction. Right now I'm listening to very old OST songs (really really old & pretty crap or childish ) ahhahahaah. it feel good to heard and played those songs again & again which they are my favorite OST movies.

I know I`m insane. what time is it now?? Is midnight!!! and I like it coz it was quiet and plugged my headset, turned volume to highest ( A+ for sound effect is more better then speaker) and blogging. Main thing is not one taking over the computer :P. you know???? sometime it just felt good to be alone and blend into "own world". You know what I`m saying??

Okay........ What I had up to today is once I finished work, we went to Oakleigh Festival which exactly the same as Clayton Festival. I dont even bother to take any photography since I`m exhausted and the festival is crap. We just Minutes! and it was bloody HOT 40` degrees!!! Really siao~~~ By the time, I got home I ...AAAmen~~ into bed. ~~~~ZZZzzzzZZZzzzzZzZ~~~

I hope my mum is reading my blog now ahahah hope them wont worry about me and why all the sudden "lost in space" (no email~phone calls~MSN chat~)

Anyway,...hope you guys have a good Easter and enjoy the public holidays! so whats the plan???

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