Sunday, August 19, 2007

I`m coming home soon YAHOoooo...!

After Doris & her parents back to Sydney, I also back to work roster as usual and I getting even more busier. This week they requested me to work 6 days. That `s why I dont have time blogging. Only today have a day off .DAMMIT!,...anyway at least I can earn more $$$, and more ($_$) to spend in another few weeks.

Why lehhh??? because I`m going back to Malaysia for holidays!! and for 3 weeks!. Yahoo.....! I cant wait to meet my parents and eat a lot hometown signature dishes, like Kampua, gong pai, pia pia wu, and etc. ahahah mostly is Foong Chow meals and of course my mum home cooked meals and soups! :P By the way, my hometown is SARIKEI.

Just think about it I started to mouth watering......

On yesterday, Ray went to travel agent to pickup our flight tickets at BOXHILL.

Raymond and I will fly from Melbourne to KL to Sibu on 25th September 2007 at 12.15am. It was a midnight flight and it wasn't that bad because 25th is MOON FESTIVAL. Hopefully can see full moon on plane. Around 10.45am we will arrived at Sibu airport.

I have been waiting for this day to go home for ages. It have been 4 years liew....yayayy I know 4 years such as long years. It is because of my studies + applied PR + career + save $$$ = 4 years. I finally got time to organized my schedules to go back hometown.

Well, today I started to bought a lot stuffs and foods for my parents, friends & relatives.

~***Photo of stuffs & foods are confidential***~


~***otherwise it wouldn't be surprise. :p***~

WALAU............ really headache so many people. Hopefully my luggage can fit all of them. May be another few day I need to start packing and double check anything I missed.

okok I know it still a bit early, but because my work, better do it while I got time rather then last minutes.

I believed my parents now will counting the days till 25th. ahhahh

ohya, dear friends at Sarikei and Kuching, I will see you guys soooooon.... hehehheheh Dont ignored me when I call you guys out to meet for yam cha.


Tony Hii said...

I wish you a nice trip back to Sibu and your hometown - Sarikei.

Laura Hii said...

Daniel Yiek: I saw your blog b4 (^_^)

Tony Hii: Thanks!

Anonymous said...

back liao meh???
ur hometown at Sarikei mah...
and hor...
remember call me "yam cha" if come 2 Kuching ha...Ok???

hav a nice day lor..... ^Q^

Laura Hii said...

ah boon: ya just for holidays. For sure will go back to Kuching but still dont know which date. heheehe. Sure,..I will try to ask everyone meet on same date then I can save my trip. heheh.

Wilson Chin said...

hi Laura, if can try to come kuching at the 29th sep, I'll be organizing a charity dinner. Hope u can come that day, n ask ur frens come support as well.
Do drop me a mail to let me know ya, thanks n see ya

Laura Hii said...

Wilson: I discussed with my parents, however they still want me stay at sarikei and spend more time visiting all the relatives before I meet my friends at Kuching. So, I cant make it. I will go t Kuching on October but still dont know which dates.