Thursday, January 17, 2008

Last week FOOD highlight

Recently, I lack of blogging not bcoz I`m lazy neither busy. hahahh The main reason is bcoz I almost over used the usage of my internet. Gotto control otherwise it will slow down & my off peak usage will be unavailable. (lagi worse)

Well,...pretty much boring for entire last week. So, will blog about food but I will just choose one dishes which "Last Week Chef Food of Choice" ahhahh sound like TV shows XD.

To be honest, this is my 1st time cook Sweet & Sour Pork

Surprisingly, it turn pretty good and we ate couples of bowl with rices. Muahhahah. I learned it when I was worked as kitchen-hand during my Uni time.

So, there a few reasons why it consider "Food of Choice";

- 1st time cooked it
- during the dinner time all the sudden Ray "mmmuuak" me

(Imaging if I quit my job muahhaahhahahahahh )

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